Our Words Are Windows

Our Words Are Windows

For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost. Luke 19:10   No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up on the last day. John 6:44   Exhausted from the packing, I paused at the kitchen island with “my...
How The Imperfect Becomes Perfect

How The Imperfect Becomes Perfect

Divorce has a different effect on children than it does on adults.  Being a daughter of divorce changes your world differently than being the parent that divorces.  Part of your childhood is taken away from you.  I am not a daughter of divorce, but, I have listened to...
Because Good Leaders are Not Born

Because Good Leaders are Not Born

Are you a leader?  Do you see the whole picture?  Can you tell others what to do and where to go and how to live – the right way?   Some say, leaders are born.  I was born as a leader, that doesn’t mean I was a born leader.  I was just the first born of my...

No Match!

And it is a frontal attack, bold and ugly, going straight for my mind.  Isn’t that the first target in all battles –the information center? Driving down the road my mind is wrestling with negative thoughts and insecurities about myself.  Age issues, ability to write,...

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