And it is a frontal attack, bold and ugly, going straight for my mind. Isn’t that the first target in all battles –the information center?
Driving down the road my mind is wrestling with negative thoughts and insecurities about myself. Age issues, ability to write, trying to find eloquence of speech, yet feeling like I walk around with one foot in my mouth at all times.
Fighting back, I recall positive things I have done, times when I gave a really good talk, and the day I rocked that new dress, or more wonderfully, spoke life into another person’s life. I have good times, yes! So why the battle?
As I push back the thoughts of inadequacy, the story of Adam in the garden comes to mind. God brought all of the animals to Adam to name, for him to observe that there was none like him in the garden. In the entire garden, there was no match found.
Fierce beast – great hair, great voice – Lion – No Match
Runs fast – strong worker – Horse – No Match
Tries to act like me – not like me – Monkey – No Match
These thoughts that wander through my mind, coming up to me as an old friend are disguised as truth, disguised as companions, as a match to live with me for life.
They wear musky smelling robes, tattered and decayed because they have been buried and yet they try to raise their ugly heads to partner with me.
Like Adam I look at them, evaluate, name and make a declaration.
You are a failure – LIE – No Match
I am more than a conquer in Christ Jesus.
You are not attractive – LIE– No Match
Created in God’s image – It is good.
You are not smart enough– LIE – No Match
Ask for wisdom and you will receive.
“No Match!” I yell over the sound of the radio.
“No Match!” I say with the authority of a warrior.
“No Match! These words of doubt and fear are no match for God or for me!” I laugh. So thankful that I am alone in the car. Anyone hearing would think I insane.
But isn’t that the point of insecurity – To isolate from others because we fear what they might think?
“No. Match.” I whisper quietly as His peace enters in.
“No Match”
“We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2Corth. 10:5 NAS)
And my Father steps in more fully; He instructs me and I take captive my thoughts.
“For even if I should boast somewhat further about our authority, which the Lord gave for building you up and not for destroying you” (2 Corth. 10:8 NAS)
And the One and Only, that spoke all things into being, drives away doubt and darkness in me. The One who hovered over the waters as Spirit, the one that spoke all things into being and said, “it is Good”, that One bring His peace.
The creator of Peace, He is my match, I was, I am created to match with Him – and so are you.
Do you struggle with fears of inadequacy? Can I pray for you today? Would you leave your prayer request in the comments and so that I can begin praying for you?
Linking today with Graceful, The Wellspring, Multitudes on Monday, Into the Beautiful, On Your Heart Tuesday
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every thought captive…it is a battle, but such freedom is found in the fight! your honesty and boldness refresh.
Thank you Susannah, so glad you have you here! Hope you Week is the best!
Oh Di- I hear you, sister! How often I have a similar conversation with myself- bringing my thoughts into captivity is a frequently needed practice for me.
SHE Loves blog wrote a good post on this recently- here is just one comment which resonated with me: How can I possibly love myself when I’m so flawed and broken and messed up? It’s a complete miracle that anyone loves anyone, given how imperfect we all are. If others knew me as I know myself, no one would love me. Ever. That’s what I used to think about myself, until I had a profound experience in seeing myself differently.
I have been gleaning lots from this Patheos blog on self-compassion- I believe that many is not MOST women struggle with this- you may be inundated with people who say : ” me too” !!
Di- you are a person of excellence, fashioned after almighty God Himself- as I am sure your friends and family will agree.
We must not entertain the lies of the enemy even for a moment, because they take hold just SO easily !!
You are a much-loved sister-in-christ to many.
May God let you see yourself as HE sees you- and remember- He only looks at what is true and good and beautiful, as He looks at us through the covering of the blood of Jesus.
Wow Mary, thank you for the blessing. I receive it all! And I’ll check out the blog you recommended.
Very inspiring and interesting way to juxtapose that biblical passage, Diane. I agree, it’s something we all struggle with. I guess it’s part of the human condition to doubt ourselves. Thanks for this great reminder!
Again and again, GOD calls us to remember….not to remember our failures, but to remember the wonders that He and He Alone has accomplished in our lives. Thank you, Diane, for helping me to remember today.
Thank you for stopping by and joining in the conversation!
You go, girl! Using tRuth tO combat the lies makes you a mighty warrior, Diane. His truth is more powerful than any we could find in this world.
Amen, Laura, Amen!
We all wrestle those feelings from time to time, don’t we? I love the “no match” — TRUTH!!
Thank you Susan!
diane, i LOVE this. would you mind if i featured this post at my eating disorders blog sometime? if so, could you email it to me? powerful words, friend. thank you.
Emily, thank you. I would be honored to have this on your blog!
Enjoyed this.
Great post! I love how you matched lies with truth. We need to be a student of the word so that we can do that as well.
God bless!
Thank you! Blessings on you as well!