What To Know Before The Storms

What To Know Before The Storms

The weather report was warning of severe weather – “Strong thunderstorms with the possibility of tornadoes.” These are not uncommon along the Gulf Coast. We are not too concerned because we know by experience the steps to take when the storms come. I spread an old...
Backtalk and Parenting

Backtalk and Parenting

“I didn’t asked to be born!” shouted my teen from the bedroom. “It’s not fair. Nobody else has to do this!  You’re so mean!”   And the door to the purple room closes with a slam.   “Good thing you didn’t ask to be born today,” I thought to myself.  “Today the answer...
How to Listen For Success

How to Listen For Success

Are you a good listener? I must confess I’m not always a good listener. Listening well frequently requires skills that must be learned. You will have some listening skills that come naturally to you, and some that need to be acquired. I am an introvert processor and...
Empty Nest But Full Life!

Empty Nest But Full Life!

God has recently been telling me, “Give it away” and that is just what I am doing! I’ve invited some beautiful souls from my favorite Facebook community for women in the 50+ season of life, The Consilium:a Gathering of Wisdom and Grace. Enjoy the words from their...
When Prayer Is Difficult – Marie Bride

When Prayer Is Difficult – Marie Bride

God has recently been telling me, “Give it away” and that is just what I am doing! I’ve invited some beautiful souls from my favorite Facebook community for women in the 50+ season of life, The Consilium: a Gathering of Wisdom and Grace (link). Enjoy the words from...
Seeds of Spring in a Season of Fall

Seeds of Spring in a Season of Fall

Problems arise before my feet hit the floor, as the cold rain of fall is heard tapping on the metal roof. Hanging up the phone, I kick off the warm cocoon of covers, and then stare at a cobweb in the corner. Overnight, someone’s world has changed completely and...

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