by Diane W. Bailey | Mar 7, 2014 | Uncategorized
The tempest comes barreling in through treetops, twisting and breaking branches, and sending small nests to the wet green below. Mother robin emerges rain soaked, pulling small sticks, twine and old Christmas tree glitter from the wreckage to build again. She is a...
by Diane W. Bailey | May 10, 2013 | Uncategorized
Five Minute Friday – Here is a Short Fictitious short story, In Five Minutes! She kicks water across the shallow puddle of water – Her feet bare are glossy, and the hem of her dress is damp from rain. Twirling, she leans her head back and...
by Diane W. Bailey | Apr 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
It’s Five Minute Friday, and today’s prompt is FRIEND. Ready, Go! I’m really not sure how it all began. I commented on her blog, she commented on mine. It really might have begun right here on Five Minute Fridays. One of us found the other by...
by Diane W. Bailey | Mar 1, 2013 | Uncategorized
On Fridays I love to participate with Lisa-Jo and her community of bloggers who practice the art of word-smithing! She give us a prompt and we write for Five Minutes. Today’s prompt – Ordinary Ready? Start! Not ordinary. Extraordinary, Is my God...