She bows her head down low. Not in shame or embarrassment, but sorrow. You will not see her tears; she refuses to share her grief.

Easter brings us face-to-face with death.

Do you believe?

We walk in the fear of the unknown when we discover more of our friends are dead than alive. When our time comes will we be ready? Is death the end of everything or do we drop into oblivion? Will we meet our loved ones again?

In the throes of our grief, our hope and confidence in the Resurrection can be shaken. Our assurance of salvation rests on shaky ground.  It’s spiritual grief!

Do you believe?

Will our loved ones someday rise again? A sea of white crosses works to destroy our faith.  The birds still sing. The sun still rises and in our grief we cry, “Why?” Unbelievers exclaim,“He’s not coming.”  Where is Jesus?

He stands by watching  – watching and waiting . He’s waiting for that moment trusting His counsel on death. Now we can yield our doubts and fears to Him. We’re ready to receive His exchange for our sorrow. Somehow in His love, Jesus gives hope – hope for the future.

Do you believe?

Like Martha, we run to Jesus telling Him, in gulping grief, that His friend is gone. Our pain is real. Grief overwhelms. Does He know? Does He understand?

He knows.

He knows our need. He touches our soul because His love is an everlasting love – a love that refuses to die.

Do you believe this?

Martha said to Him, “I know that he ( Lazarus) will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.”  Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?“… John 5:24-26

She bows her head down low. Not in shame or embarrassment, but sorrow. You will not see her tears; she refuses to share her grief. Jesus lifts her head, looks her straight in the eyes, wipes away her tears and enters into her grief. “I am the Resurrection and the Life!”

Do you believe this?

My uncle died this year and he introduced me to the Lord over forty years ago. I have confidence knowing someday Uncle Gene and I will walk together again. Jesus will laugh with us and show us how His plans for us all worked out. We will walk together in heaven, the Land of Happy Ever After.

Do you believe this?

I do.

Recently, I wrote a poem, The Rope. I hope it brings as much comfort to you as its given me.

The Rope 640x425


He will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears form all faces; He will remove the disgrace of His people from the earth. The Lord has spoken. Isaiah 25:8

Grasping the rope to that future hope
In this land of hopelessness

Doesn’t burn my hands
Or draw blood to the surface

Somehow it brings me comfort
Holds me secure
Who holds the other end?


He’s here
Pulling me through
Through the valley of the shadow of death

The tug of His companionship
The touch of His encouragement

Security in His faithfulness
Love spurs me on

When I get to the end of rope
He is there!

Holds me close
Wipes away every tear
And Love whispers in my ear

“Well done, my good and faithful servant.
Enter now into My rest”

The rope?
No longer needed
Falls away into oblivion

In the Land of Happy Endings
The memories of hopelessness fade away

Struggles in the valley of shadow of death no more

I have arrived!

In that day they will say, ‘Surely this is our God; we trusted Him and He saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted Him, let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation. Isaiah 25:9 NIV

Note: Photos, before editing, originated from


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Chris Malkemes

Christine Malkemes is a writer and encourager. She is passionate about a deeper walk with the Lord and writes at Whispered Words of Wisdom ( She's a retired Army officer, survived a nomadic lifestyle, and today set her roots in the sunshine state with her husband and two grown children.

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