I see you, there, and the sunlight warming you – golden and glowing in the late afternoon. Dressed in camo capris, trying to blend in with your surroundings.
Trying to be same as all that surrounds you – just trying to fit in.
The ravenous hunger to fit in, to be liked, wanted, needed.
Needing desperately to be loved.
We are chameleons, changing our colors to fit each scenery, instead of allowing our colors to enhance our community.
And, what color is a chameleon, anyway?
Our justified need for community becomes our idol and supersedes our need for God, when we want friends above anything else in life.
Seeking community rather than God’s Kingdom causes our own unique personality to atrophy.
We desperately want community – a posse with which to ride. We change with every situation that arises, with every class that we encounter, every culture we walk through – until we lose who we are, and lose our identity with our place of origin.
We end our Chameleon tendencies, and we begin to live as the person we were created to be, when we recognize the lies we are living.
Lies such as:
You are not intelligent enough,
You are not pretty enough,
No one likes you,
You will never succeed,
God never wanted this for you,
You are too broken to fix,
You will never be really loved.
Why is it so much easier to believe the lies and the bad about ourselves, instead of believing the good? (Tweet this)
Why do we listen to the Enemy, instead of listening to God?
God made us, He appointed us, and He equipped us. What we called faults, imperfections and handicaps, God calls perfectly made.
He designed all that is going on in your life, as part of His plan.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5 NAS)
Your life is made to be lived in an imperfect world – on your own personal path, all bumpy and hilly, and yet unique to any other path on this blue spinning marble. Each footprint you place on this path makes your path unique. You bring your own special experience to the path of those traveling with you.
If we needed the particular friends that we so desperately want, Christ would give them to us to accomplish the life He has planned for us. Christ always supplies all that we need, so that we can be:
Intelligent enough
Loved beyond all measure and above all fear,
In a community that “gets you, and believes the best in you,
Given divine introductions to others as His friend, because He loves us.
He gives us the camo capris, with pockets so deep, and, yet, so limited, as to carry only the equipment needed for this day, for this one unique journey. We are equipped with what we need, and that includes strengths, talents, faults, vulnerabilities, and needs that can only be met in Christ Jesus.
“And He gave some as Apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-12 NAS)
Wherever you find yourself, allow the confidence in the Lord, to give you what you need: Friends, a community, knowledge, advantage, finances, hope, joy, job, the true belief that you are beautiful.
“And, when she realized that she was loved, then the woman in the mirror became beautiful” (~Emily T. Wieregna)
“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” (~Aibileen Clark, The Help by Kathryn Stockett.)
For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” (Isaiah 41:13 NAS)
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.” (John 15:9 NAS)
Now, in all that golden afternoon light, allow God to show off His good work in you. Shine, girl! Let your colors that are unique to you shine for His glory!
In what area are you struggling to fit in today? What is your Bible verse that tells the truth about who you are?
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Beautiful reminder, Diane. “God made us, He appointed us, and He equipped us. What we called faults, imperfections and handicaps, God calls perfectly made.” I’m sure I fall into the trap of thinking this way…thanks for the reminder to think more as He does!
Thank you, Becky. It is so nice to have you here and commenting. I appreciate you!
Di- are you listening?
Y O U A R E B E A U T I F U L <3
You are wonderful, witty and wise.
Like you and me, many of your readers will be hearing these accusations, too, but it's good to come against these L I E S with the truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; made in HIS image [ wow ] and to remind ourselves that He absolutely adores us. [ and doesn't even see the blemishes that we berate ourselves for !!
Sweet Sweet Mary, I love you so much! You are my precious Down-Under Friend. I hope God allows us to meet face to face in this life. If not, you know we are sitting next to each other in heaven and catching up! Love you!
“We desperately want community – a posse with which to ride.” Girl, words don’t begin to express how grateful I am to be in a posse with you! You ROCK and you’re a fabulous blessing!