The sun is setting, the blue heron is fishing on the pond, and the fragrance of Jasmine fills the evening air.  I love where we live.  It is part country but not too far from the grocery store.


It is times like this that I sometimes contemplate life and the passing on.  I’m beginning to consider the fact that one day I’ll leave, we all will, you know.  If you have arrived on the planet it is in the contract that you will also exit the planet at some point.


I finally surrendered and had an MRI of my hip this week.  The inability to run had increased to the point of inability to walk up stairs or walk for long distances;  Which resulted in weight gain and self-loathing!  My fear of hip replacement was short lived as I was informed that it was only Bursitis (…only Bursitis – like that is okay – but it is not a hip replacement, so I’m thankful for this!).  And the reality hits – I’m getting older and the exit is getting closer.


It is okay to talk about it.  Talking about death neither accelerates its approach nor slows its arrival.  I believe that I will leave only when the Lord says it is time.  It will not come early, nor will it be one minute late. We share life and comfort in death, and live the life that we are given to its fullest.


A friend shared a story about her father-in-law’s death.  He wished to be cremated, so upon his death they honored his wishes.  Since there was not a gravesite, the son planted an oak tree in memory of his dad.


One day, in a quiet moment, her husband took his fathers remains and spread them in an area known only to him.  He was not interested in a ceremony; it was just he and his dad.


Later that day, he and his wife were working in the yard.  The wife was collecting poopy and tossing it into bushes and gardens as fertilizer.  Well, here is how the conversation went from there:


“What did you just do?!”


“Threw the poop by the bushes and trees for fertilizer.”


“You just threw it on Dad!”


Your Dad?”




“What is he doing by the trees?!”


“He is fertilizing them!”


The wife and husband race to the tree to remove the poop.


~ Awkward Silence~


“I’m sorry, I didn’t know your dad was there.”


Then walking back to the garage she says, “Make sure you don’t run over dad when you cut the grass!”


So when I go, I think I want to be cremated, it sounds like it could be too much fun! And I want an ice cream truck at the funeral, and a band playing worship music and maybe a little jazz.  I want those will join me later, to have fun in this life as much as possible! And maybe place my ashes in an unusual place and when people are stepping near it, yell, ” Hey, be careful, you’re about to step on MOM!”


“For as in Adam all died, but also in Christ all shall be made alive!”

(1 Corinthians 15:22)





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Diane W. Bailey is the founder of The Consilium – an online community of wisdom and purpose for women over 45 years of age. She is a published author. Her books include String of Pearls – From Tears to Treasure, and 30 Days To A Better Stepfamily. She creates her own line of precious metals bracelets. Diane lives in the Deep South with her husband Doc. Together they have created a stepfamily, each having two stepchildren and two birth children, and share three grandchildren, one black lab named Charlie and one long haired tabby cat named Lil Girl. Diane’s passion is to encourage women to be all God has created them to be by pressing past fear and daring to live life as an adventure. Some of her life adventures include traveling to Israel, speaking, entrepreneurship and backyard farming with Doc. She loves Gumbo, fried shrimp and seeing all sunsets across water.

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