Do Your Words bring in Light?

Words flow from one to another, casting shadows and showing the light.  Like light through trees casts shadows and illuminates the leaves, our words to each other have the ebb and flow of light and it’s shadows. And are not shadows only the lack of light, giving the...

In the Bend of the Arm

If we will only surrender ourselves utterly to the Lord, and will trust Him perfectly, we shall find our souls “mounting up with wings as eagles” to the “heavenly places” in Christ Jesus, where earthly annoyances or sorrows have no power to...

I’m Officially in Mama Warrior Mode!

Positioned for battle – knees on the floor, Bible open, Journal and pen ready to take notes. The enemy has touch my family and I am officially in Mama Warrior Mode! Praying the Blood of Jesus over all of us, our friends, extended family, our finances, our...

The Stab of Pain

 My  husband and I are both health care providers, and he says there are only two things that will make a person jump up and move: the sight of blood and the stab of pain.  When we feel pain – physical, emotional, mental or spiritual – what do we do? Do we run to the...

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