by Kathy Schwanke | Jun 7, 2016 | Consilium Community
For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost. Luke 19:10 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up on the last day. John 6:44 Exhausted from the packing, I paused at the kitchen island with “my...
by Diane W. Bailey | Jul 9, 2013 | Uncategorized
On the crest of a cool breeze, the fresh scent of pine fills the air, and pink blossoms from a towering Crepe Myrtle carpets the patio like spray from the Master Painter’s brush. I survey the landscape of home after our absence of two weeks where we visited my...
by Diane W. Bailey | Mar 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
Divorce has a different effect on children than it does on adults. Being a daughter of divorce changes your world differently than being the parent that divorces. Part of your childhood is taken away from you. I am not a daughter of divorce, but, I have listened to...
by Diane W. Bailey | Mar 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
There are few things that bring greater joy in my life, than seeing a light go on in the heart of a woman struggling. When I say, Light going on, I talking about, that moment then it clicks, that they are not a failure – no matter how bad it has been. I...
by Diane W. Bailey | Feb 25, 2013 | Diane's Posts
Shabbat – the day of rest. Do you rest, or do you work as if it is another day. I have started trying to rest, really rest, on Sunday. But I struggle. No lists, or cooking, and no laundry, from sunset Saturday evening, until sunset Sunday evening. ...