by Debbie Putman | Jan 17, 2017 | Consilium Community
Forty years ago, we said, “I do.” Some people took bets we wouldn’t make it a year, but we never doubted. Not because of us. Because of God. In July, a #love your spouse challenge on Facebook and Instagram invited people to post a picture of their spouse every day for...
by Chelle Wilson | Nov 1, 2016 | Consilium Community
God routinely stuns me into silence at the endless ways He teaches me grace. I have learned more about faith, worship, and the active practice of Christianity during this clearly contentious election cycle than I ever imagined possible. I am first to confess that even...
by Diane W. Bailey | Nov 25, 2013 | Uncategorized
The old-fashioned Christmas lights are illuminating the darkness as I pull into home. I love those big fat red, blue, green, and orange spheres hanging beneath the cedar porch next to the pool. I leave them up all year and turn them on in the summer when we have...