by Diane W. Bailey | May 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
There is nothing more gratifying than crafted words with beautiful similes quickening the heartbeat of the reader. But, lately I have not given it the time I should to tell you stories from my life here on Bailey Pond. Sometimes, your art needs a rest. ...
by Diane W. Bailey | May 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
The tall grass gently bows and sways with the breeze, giving the appearance of someone walking up to the bench to visit. This old bench sits in the middle of a meadow surrounded by the tender green of spring. Years have gone by since it felt the warmth of two souls...
by Diane W. Bailey | Apr 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
Tender green softens the garden’s winter hardened terrain. Slender shoots stretch toward the lofty warmth, and summon liquid encouragement from heaven. Spring – a solace for surviving the axial tilt. Life will tilt. The axis that we lean on for stability...
by Diane W. Bailey | Jan 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
Butterfly shy, and all cocooned up was my life when I decided that I could hide in the hurt or fly in the free. We all have those seasons of loosing a friend, struggling to find your place in community, or wondering if we will ever have a friendship that is real and...
by Diane W. Bailey | Oct 30, 2012 | Diane's Posts
I’m home from Harrisburg, Pa and the Allume conference. I had the time of my life! So many of you have been asking for highlights from the conference. Here are the pictures that developed well and some quotes that were made by the various, and amazing...