When You Struggle With Trust and Love

When You Struggle With Trust and Love

Confession: Being able to trust people has been a struggle for me, and that includes a struggle to trust God.   In Dental Hygiene school the teachers taught about how infections responded to antibiotics.  At the time, there were three major categories: Mycins...
How We Measure the Size of the Waves

How We Measure the Size of the Waves

My grandchildren stand at the water’s edge watching small shells disappear into the surf washed sand, and  yell into the wind as if it was how you joined the choir of the universe.   Waves bigger than life pound at their feet, but there is no fear as long as...
When You Are In The Same Boat

When You Are In The Same Boat

The sky puffs up  dark gray, and storm clouds darkening the horizon are coming in like a bully looking for a fight.  Lightning crackles within the gray, sending moms scrambling for children and beach towels as the wind playfully kicks up sand on the beach. A small...
Monster in the Shadows

Monster in the Shadows

You shall season all your grain offerings with salt. You shall not let the salt of the covenant with your God be missing from your grain offering; with all your offerings you shall offer salt.  “If you offer a grain offering of first fruits to the Lord, you shall...

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