From time to time, I’ll stop by the blood donation building as I am out on my errands to get a coke, cookie and give a pint of blood. The women there are always kind, and the building cool, as I sit and give them all of my information. “No, I have not been to Africa, No I have not gotten a tattoo in the past 12 months,” and additional no’s to an litany of other questions. They prick my finger and give me the alcohol drop test into a small jar of clear liquid with a dozen or so other drops from the donors before me. As expected, my drop of blood sinks safely to the bottom of the jar.
The source of all flesh is dependent on this plasma carrying, bone creating, and organ maintaining crimson flow.
The Betadine cotton tips come out of their pouches and my arm is swabbed until it feel like there is no skin left to disinfect. The woman whose hair is pulled back into a tight bun, and makeup is minimum, makes small talk as she ties an elastic strip around my upper arm and asks me to make a fist. For just a moment, I break out in a cold sweat when I see the needle coming toward my arm, and I look away to the corner of the room where a television near the ceiling is on the Weather Channel. A quick stick, and my blood flows free into the bag below. “Continue to squeeze” she says cheerfully and walks to the next patient.
One prick, one stick, one hour and one life has been helped because of my sacrifice.
The external vein is dark blueish red as it sends its precious cargo into storage and I think of the person who is going to receive it. I wonder what has happened to them to make it necessary for them to need this to save their life. I begin to pray for their health, their finances, their family possibly waiting in a room to receive news. I pray for the situation they are in would be used to bring them and their family closer to the risen Savior.
“And here is how to measure it—the greatest love is shown when a person lays down his life for his friends” ( John 15:13 TLB)
Jesus’ blood is the universal donor, it matches all types. Positive or negative, A, B, AB, O – all will match with him. The first blood he gave for us was in prayer, as drops of life began to form on his brow. Medical studies show that with great stress, the pores around the eyes can fill with blood. There is no greater gift than blood; it heals, it restores, it renews and it saves lives.
“The measure of all life is not in its duration, but in its donation.” -Corrie Ten Boom
Life is a gift to be given away and the more you give away, the greater its value. ~Diane W. Bailey (kindly tweet this)
I pray, that when I have finished this life and stand before my God, I will not have a single thing to show, because I gave it all away, just as Christ did. No journals of wonderful thoughts and teaching, no silver or gold collected through the years, no medals of honor to flash before His eyes. I want to be naked and empty down to my organs and blood and talent. The only thing I want Him to see, is the love of His first-born graced onto me.
The blood bag is now full and the needle removed and I am eating a Nutter Butter cookie with my Coke. I thank the woman with the tight bun for her gentleness. Walking to my car, my right arm gauze and taped, I thank my Father for the blood of His Son, and for the medical knowledge we have today to share our blood with others.
Can I challenge us today? Stop by a blood donation center and give before the holidays and they call you looking for a particular blood type for someone laying in a hospital bed. Give the give of life, give the gift of blood.
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“Jesus’ blood is the universal donor, it matches all types.” Yes, yes it is. Your writing was refreshing to my heart today. Proud of you for giving blood. Since cancer I am unable to give blood, but have been a recipient of the gift many times. Thank you for giving yourself away Diane.