Gently creeks the floor, as feet bed bare touches it boards making their way to the kitchen.

Coffee black and hot as the mid-summer’s early morning awaits the early riser. And pages bound in leather begin to swoosh as they turn.

Morning devotion has begun. A Psalm is prayed and meditated upon, then names on a list  that exists both on the terra firma field and Nirvana are called out making requests both spoken and unspoken.

And the Host, the Commander of Shabbath comes in with a silence that is deafening bringing rest and peace in the middle of a troubled world.

What god has there ever been spoken of that

bends a knee to listen and engages with those whose perfection is no better than filthy rags in the light of true glory?

Yet He calls me beautiful, His own, His daughter, perfectly made. How is it that this wonderful gift given?

Love, love, love – I am loved!

The knees and toes now curled inside the linen nightgown, bend and the hands raise in worship; And the sun, along with the hands rises giving praise for the gift of another day.

Linking with The Wellspring, Multitudes on Monday, Graceful, Meme Mondays

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Diane W. Bailey is the founder of The Consilium – an online community of wisdom and purpose for women over 45 years of age. She is a published author. Her books include String of Pearls – From Tears to Treasure, and 30 Days To A Better Stepfamily. She creates her own line of precious metals bracelets. Diane lives in the Deep South with her husband Doc. Together they have created a stepfamily, each having two stepchildren and two birth children, and share three grandchildren, one black lab named Charlie and one long haired tabby cat named Lil Girl. Diane’s passion is to encourage women to be all God has created them to be by pressing past fear and daring to live life as an adventure. Some of her life adventures include traveling to Israel, speaking, entrepreneurship and backyard farming with Doc. She loves Gumbo, fried shrimp and seeing all sunsets across water.

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