by rhondaquaney | Feb 14, 2017 | Consilium Community
The cinder track was bold red with freshly painted lines of white and numbers to mark out each lane. The spring-like day with blue sky was a welcome relief from cold and rainy days that had preceded my first track meet. Jogging in place my new running shoes made a...
by lynnmosher | Jan 3, 2017 | Consilium Community
Have you made any resolutions this year? Have you already given up on carrying them out? I never make them because I know I won’t keep them. We all need encouragement at one time or another but especially at the onset of a new year. Here are ten thoughts to inspire...
by Diane W. Bailey | Nov 3, 2012 | Diane's Posts
May my life, Oh Lord, be a feather on your breath, that you may blow me in any direction, and I will go. I will go without resistance, silently and with joy to any place you send. Allow me to land without much notice into the path of others for them to discover, not...