by Chelle Wilson | Nov 1, 2016 | Consilium Community
God routinely stuns me into silence at the endless ways He teaches me grace. I have learned more about faith, worship, and the active practice of Christianity during this clearly contentious election cycle than I ever imagined possible. I am first to confess that even...
by Diane W. Bailey | Jun 28, 2016 | Consilium Community
It was one of those days when I was exhausted. My mind was traveling faster than my car going down I-65 heading home from many errands. My phone was full of little red circles indicating messages representing conversations and decisions needing to be made. Despite...
by Diane W. Bailey | Apr 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Are you a good listener? I must confess I’m not always a good listener. Listening well frequently requires skills that must be learned. You will have some listening skills that come naturally to you, and some that need to be acquired. I am an introvert processor and...
by Diane W. Bailey | May 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
The tall grass gently bows and sways with the breeze, giving the appearance of someone walking up to the bench to visit. This old bench sits in the middle of a meadow surrounded by the tender green of spring. Years have gone by since it felt the warmth of two souls...
by Diane W. Bailey | Apr 29, 2014 | Uncategorized
Tender green softens the garden’s winter hardened terrain. Slender shoots stretch toward the lofty warmth, and summon liquid encouragement from heaven. Spring – a solace for surviving the axial tilt. Life will tilt. The axis that we lean on for stability...