When You Are In The Same Boat

When You Are In The Same Boat

The sky puffs up  dark gray, and storm clouds darkening the horizon are coming in like a bully looking for a fight.  Lightning crackles within the gray, sending moms scrambling for children and beach towels as the wind playfully kicks up sand on the beach. A small...
Because You Are A Good Mother

Because You Are A Good Mother

The tempest comes barreling in through treetops, twisting and breaking branches, and sending small nests to the wet green below.  Mother robin emerges rain soaked, pulling small sticks, twine and old Christmas tree glitter from the wreckage to build again.  She is a...
What Does it Take to Be Brave?

What Does it Take to Be Brave?

What does it take to be Brave – an Arsenal of guns, ten thousand young knave?   What does it take to be brave – In the face of a lie, when facing depraved?   What does it take to be brave, when your dream loses traction and spins in a cave?   How does one feel when...

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