Three words a woman wants to hear are, “I Love You”. But words, like dandelion seeds can be easily forgotten. Once the wind carries them up and out – unless, planted carefully in rich soil and tended to by a loving gardener they are quickly forgotten.
How can you make the seeds of, “I love you”, grow into a mighty orchard for your beloved?”
Are you ready? Because, it is not a microwave quick journey.
As any good gardener will tell you, good soil is vital to good growth.
You need a dedicated gardener. One who studies the elements, of his garden, and makes good decisions to insure that growth is probable. He or she is aware of the humidity (what makes your beloved sweat), temperature, and watering needs of the soil. And I’m telling you – if you cannot read the thermostat of your beloved to determine the temperature of the room, you are likely to walk yourself right into a furnace or ice box that you never saw coming!
Choosing good soil, to plant seeds of love is important. Good soil is made up of compost of living matter from the past. The past is always present in some form or another. It can be toxic, or a foundation for good growth.
The toxic stuff needs to be removed so that good soil can be added. It can be painful and met with resistance, especially until your beloved knows you are trying to use your super power of love for good and not evil! Be supportive and encouraging in any area that is painful for your beloved.
Offer, in times of peace, possible solutions, suggested in love, to help remove the toxins. Be gentle, because, lets face it one day it will be our turn allow our beloved to rake out the toxins in our own life! (I.E. Golden Rule!)
But, some of the past makes for rich compost. A former spouse who has taught lawn care, cooking, or a tip about great vacation destinations is good compost. Go with it! At this point does it really matter from where the information has come? This is good soil, and you can praise your beloved about their vast knowledge of the subject. (You get so many bonus points on this one!) Again, who cares from where the knowledge comes?
Are you gardener that is worth being in a relationship with? Of coarse you are! As long as you know that the words “I love you”, are seeds that need to grow in the fertile garden of kind relationship. (tweet this)
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25)
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:22)
So how do you get the words “I love you” to grow into an orchard?

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