God has recently been telling me, “Give it away” and that is just what I am doing! I’ve invited some beautiful souls from my favorite Facebook community for women in the 50+ season of life, The Consilium: a Gathering of Wisdom and Grace. Enjoy the words from their hearts and, if you don’t mind, would you leave a comment to encourage them? Feel free to join us over at The Consilium – we would love to see you there!


Please welcome, Carol Hulin:

Since becoming a Christian I have loved reading and studying the Bible. I read commentaries; I do Bible studies; I read magazines, books, go online and participate in blogs. I want to know what words mean in the original language; I want to know context; I want to know how it can help me. I WANT TO KNOW.

This passion, this need like a junkie, a never ending want to know, runs deep in my soul. I want to know better, more, and different ways to study His Word. The idea of going back to college filled my head. I talked about it for a couple of years. Yes. No. Maybe. Maybe not.



Finally: Yes. (And they actually accepted me!!!) So here I sit, typing this in the Student Lounge as a full-time college student. Me a student . . . wait for it . . . at 52. It has been hard. The learning curve has been painful. My academic grammar is . . . um . . . awful. Sigh. My memory absorption is . . . um . . . what did you say?? My ability to string enough words together to put in a 1500 word essay is a few hundred words short. And did I mention homework? Like, every night? Reading, researching, essays, reports, studying? Egad.

But, I am learning, and it is not so much the Bible. It is learning to think, evaluate, adapt and be adaptable. I am meeting students with an awesome passion for the Lord. I am meeting professors who really, really, care about their students personally knowing Jesus and serving Him. And I have made a few new friends.

Along the way there have been pre-menopausal moments. I have had hot flashes in the middle of a class. It is hard to stay focused when suddenly you are sweating profusely and turning red. I have been tempted to run out of the class yelling: “Look out, lady HOT FLASHING!!!” as I try to escape, but I don`t think the professors would appreciate it and the younger students would not understand. Sigh. And the ladies washroom seems to be my favourite place to hang out. Sometimes, it is just a good place to hide.

I have even taken me to a new city. A much larger city than I have lived in, in a long time. With that comes feeling lost and alone (and literally getting lost as I do not have the greatest sense of direction). Where do I go to church? Where do I go for adult conversation? I do love these 18-year-olds, but we do not speak the same language when it comes to music, books, TV, tattoos!! But, He has even helped by putting the right person in place to help me find a wonderful church.

God is stretching me and growing me in unique ways. Ways that are hard to put into words. He is showing me that there are different ways to look at a sentence. He is showing me that there are different ways to look at volunteer and ministry work. He is healing and growing me, too. Yes this introvert has felt maxed out, glad to shut my bedroom door at the end of the day and lock the world out. But this particular college feels right. I am loved here; cared for here.

Do I recommend it? Yes. Heartily. Full-time. Part-time. Just one course. Yes. Yes. YES. So….what course have you really, really dreamed of taking? French cuisine cooking? Oil painting? Conversational Italian? Old Testament ? Sign Language? Bookkeeping? _____________ (fill in the blank).

My advice: Go. For. It. You will be enriched. You will grow. You will meet fascinating people. You may find your calling. Most importantly: you will see Him in the pages of whatever textbook you are reading, for He will be there with you cheering you on.

untitledCarol Hulin: After working in the hotel industry for 25 years, Carol decided to go to Bible College where she is learning all sorts of interesting things about herself and the Bible. She recently moved to the Kitchener/Waterloo area of Ontario, Canada in order to attend college as a full time student. Being Canadian she add’s “u’s” to a lot of words: neighbour, favour, flavour and she has been known to use the word “eh” frequently. Carol writes for Team 365 at DeeperWaters.us and is Co Leader of her Hello Mornings Facebook group.


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Diane W. Bailey is the founder of The Consilium – an online community of wisdom and purpose for women over 45 years of age. She is a published author. Her books include String of Pearls – From Tears to Treasure, and 30 Days To A Better Stepfamily. She creates her own line of precious metals bracelets. Diane lives in the Deep South with her husband Doc. Together they have created a stepfamily, each having two stepchildren and two birth children, and share three grandchildren, one black lab named Charlie and one long haired tabby cat named Lil Girl. Diane’s passion is to encourage women to be all God has created them to be by pressing past fear and daring to live life as an adventure. Some of her life adventures include traveling to Israel, speaking, entrepreneurship and backyard farming with Doc. She loves Gumbo, fried shrimp and seeing all sunsets across water.

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