by Diane W. Bailey | Nov 27, 2017 | Diane's Posts
The true art of hospitality, to love other as ourselves, is so easy – said no one ever! I have been around a lot of family for the past ten days. At first, it’s all hugs and kisses with excitement to see each other again. Then the excitement of...
by Diane W. Bailey | Mar 14, 2017 | Consilium Community
Doc helped me to clean the kitchen before we jumped in the car to get a few items from the drugstore. Walking out of the door, I grabbed the bag of overstuffed garbage, hung it on the side mirror of my car, as we usually do, and drove down the long driveway to our...
by Elizabeth Stewart | Dec 6, 2016 | Consilium Community
There is no other season more jam packed full of family tradition than the holiday season. When my husband and I were raising our three daughters, any new family activity we did during this time of the year became a tradition to be repeated, at least in the minds of...
by Mei L. Au | Nov 22, 2016 | Consilium Community
Over half a century ago, a 33-year-old father bravely stepped onto a plane in Hong Kong headed for Jamaica, leaving behind his young bride, eight months pregnant and three children, all under the age of five. One month later, I was born into the squalor of that city....
by Kim Hyland | Oct 25, 2016 | Consilium Community
I lie on the guest room bed at my dad’s house, eyes closed, breathing slowly and deeply. Anxiety grips me like a vice and makes me feel like there’s a rock in my gut and a weight on my chest. The anxiety itself causes more anxiety, as I wonder why...