To A Thousand Generations

To A Thousand Generations

I lie on the guest room bed at my dad’s house, eyes closed, breathing slowly and deeply. Anxiety grips me like a vice and makes me feel like there’s a rock in my gut and a weight on my chest. The anxiety itself causes more anxiety, as I wonder why...

The Cost of Motherhood

“Making the decision to have a child . . . is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ” Elizabeth Stone   To become a mother is to risk heartbreak. Or, rather, to guarantee it. Sure, there are also joys so intense you feel like...
Because You Are A Good Mother

Because You Are A Good Mother

The tempest comes barreling in through treetops, twisting and breaking branches, and sending small nests to the wet green below.  Mother robin emerges rain soaked, pulling small sticks, twine and old Christmas tree glitter from the wreckage to build again.  She is a...

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