God has recently been telling me, “Give it away” and that is just what I am doing! I’ve invited some beautiful souls from my favorite Facebook community for women in the 50+ season of life, The Consilium: a Gathering of Wisdom and Grace (link). Enjoy the words from their hearts and, if you don’t mind, would you leave a comment to encourage them? Feel free to join us over at The Consilium (link) – we would love to see you there!
Today, please welcome Marie Bride:
I have spent the last week praying, requesting prayers.
It is difficult to be a grown up and watch someone you love so much go through struggles, frustration and pain. When all you can do is watch and pray that they will be able to move past that place where they are not sure why? Where? How? To precede forward and you can stand there and allow your presence and support for them known. But you also are praying for the wisdom to share to bring them hope in a place that seems to have stolen their hope. To share with them that, this to will pass and we will again embrace the Glory, Hope, and Peace of His own Divine Presence! We will again proclaim His Victories in our lives!
My precious niece who was expecting for the first time lost her baby last Sunday and as I bow before the King of Heaven and earth I beg to bring her comfort from You Dear Jesus.
I realize this precious infant is with You Lord Jesus! It is our loss that we will never cuddle this precious bundle closely to our earthly bodies inhaling that awesome sweet smell that only a newborn possess. Those first kisses of your perfect little cheek, the incredible awe of counting your fingers and toes. That cute little fist that grabs our finger and holds on for life as if you are grabbing our heart to form a bond only meant for you. I now that you were a perfect miracle my sweet little angel and when my journey here is complete I will meet you at the heavenly gates I Love You precious angel Your Great Aun-tie Nana XOXOXO
Isaiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.
For two years I was on teams for retreats, Christ Renews His Parish, at our parish and this is from one of my CRHP Sisters. It blesses my heart and soul to share this from CRHP Sister Leah!
I was headed out for my long-awaited computer time when I received this awesome tag.
Leah: Just so I make mention, this is a quote from the Monks of the Weston Priory from their song wherever you go:
I want to say something to all of you
who have become a part
of the fabric of my life.
The color and texture
which you have brought into my being
have become a song,
and I want to sing it forever.
There is an energy in us
which makes things happen
when the paths of other persons
touch ours
and we have to be there
and let it happen.
When the time
of our particular sunset comes
our thing, our accomplishment,
won’t really matter a great deal.
But the clarity and care
with which we have loved others
will speak with vitality
of the great gift of life
we have been for each other.
Please share a prayer and a comment as we keep our focus on the King of Glory!
Dearest Lord Jesus,
Before Your Divine presence I kneel and calm myself that I may invoke Your perfect gift of Holy Spirit to reveal Your will in my current situation.
About Marie Bride
An avid reader and lover of books from the time I learned my prayers at age three. Passionately in love with the Lover of my soul Lord Jesus our King of Glory! Child of the Heavenly Father, choir and hand bell member, daughter, sister, niece, cousin, aunt, godmother. Past wife, Cathecist teacher, Religious formation teacher, Eucharistic Minister, Christ Renews His Parish participant and team member, high-end retail sales representative, financial advisor and numerous other events and activities.
You may connect with Marie Bride

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Dear Diane,
Thank You sweet sister in Christ!
The greatest gift of the Holy Spirit is our ability to love one another as Christ loved us and He loved us beyond death and loves us into eternity! Amen.
For this light of love we sing His everlasting Praise!
i know that god has more in the plans for me, the lost of my angel was so much that breathing was more that i thought i could bare. but i am here and waiting to see you beautiful face i didnt know i could even have these moments with u and when i did for our short time i will never forget and cherish forever. love u more than words. your forever mom
I Love you sweet one and I will be praying the proclamation of our victories till we reach the Heavenly gates and come face to face with Jesus and our sweet little angel! XOXO
I loved the words from the Priory, and recognised the deep truth in them, especially: There is an energy in us
which makes things happen
when the paths of other persons
touch ours
My prayer partners and I often comment upon this…that of ourselves we can do little, but when we come together with the Lord, our power is manifoldly increased!
Bless you Marie for sharing this post with us today.
I too am all too familiar with the loss of babies….Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo has a chapter which touched my heart. The 4 year old boy met a sister in heaven he didn’t know he had…when he was revived he talked with his mother about her, and the mother was greatly comforted.
God Bless!
Mary G.
Dear Mary,
You are ever so kind as you were to share so much with me before and during this time Please know how your prayers and sharing have been such a Blessing!
Marie, you made me aware of how to handle the unexpected death of a loved one, future or having lived their lives here on earth. You have touched my heart deeply. You are so blessed that God gave you that beautiful song from the Priory. I wish the music were composed with it. Empty arms are excruciating. Death is so permanent on earth, but a new beginning in Heaven. That is the comfort we all wish to know. How beautifully you have written about such a life changing event….even when it is the will of God.
Thank You Barb,
For your kind words that are touching my very soul and soothing my heart! I wish I had the music as well! Perhaps I will ask the music minister at choir rehearsal this evening if there is a way to see was any written. I am so Blessed that you could find some comfort in my writing because on this side of eternity death can be very hard to deal with.
Thank you for reminding us of the importance of praying others through their difficult times. I loved your statement that “It is difficult to be a grown up and watch someone you love so much go through struggles, frustration and pain.” If we feel such sorrow for our loved ones, I can only imagine how it saddens our Heavenly Father to watch us through our struggles, frustration, and pain, but oh how He delights to give us His love when we give Him our pain!
Thank You Michelle,
For sending my own words back to me and a tenfold Blessing with the lesson of our Heavenly Father’s Love! Mercy! and Grace!
So sorry to hear about the loss of your niece’s baby. If she finds herself struggling with the loss, please recommend my latest book, Wrestling with Wonder, a Transformational Journey through the Life of Mary, to her. I talk about finding hope and healing through my 6 miscarriages there (along with other things), which she might find helpful.
Thank You Marlo,
She was the one who posted yesterday I will refer her.
I just finished a two day retreat and prior to its start, I saw a message the day before which read “Put Love First”. Little did I know that in different ways this message would be repeated and reinforced through different speakers. It is my prayer that instead of thinking of putting “me” first, that I would instead “put love first” and in so doing, reflect the love of Jesus for the glory of God and making Him known.
Thank You Jill,
For taking time to comment and the Beautiful words of putting Love First! I believe when are hearts and minds are open to the Lord’s gift of the Holy Spirit we reflect His Beautiful Love to one another. Blessings to you!
our hearts (not are)
Marie, sometimes there are no.words. I feel that this is one of those times. I am so very, very sorry for your niece and your family who have empty arms. May the God of all comfort fill you to overflowing and may you know the peace that passes all understanding. <3
Thank You for your kind words I feel as though I have just received a warm and sincere hug Dear Caryn!
It’s easy when things are going smoothly to wake up each day and be grateful but when things are hard and difficult its when we turn to God. I feel like we should be turning to Him all the time not just when we feel we need Him. Yes we are only human but I ask you all to remember that God doesn’t ever forget us Let’s not try and forget Him
I do not know how people get along without faith Joanne?
I lived through a tragic death of my mother’s youngest sister her four children, her husband newly married for the second time and a live in sitter with a toddler all on Christmas Eve. I never tell this very often because usually people think I am asking for sympathy. But through the years occasionally I feel lead to share this. I did not stop believing or loving God when I heard the news of the fire on the radio and I instantly knew it was my family members what my heart has always believed is they went to heaven for Christmas!
Thank You Joanne for sharing a comment, Blessings!
Such a wonderful perspective of how to pray and watch while others around you hurt or struggle . Thanks for sharing.
Thank You Lisa for these words you make my heart want to sing even though choir is over today!
Bless you Lisa for leaving a comment!
Thank you for sharing with me.
Thank You for stopping over and placing a comment here!
Love You Sharon hugs!!!
Your sharing is precious. Death is beyond hard even when we know a loved one is with the Lord.
Know the one true God holds her and he will never let her go, just as he holds you and never lets you go. By faith we trust that God’s promises are sure.
Awe Lucy that is so sweet I have a tear of joy in my eye! Bless You! And Thank You for commenting.
wonderful post
Thank You Mary!
Marie – I agree with all who have posted here, but especially with Caryn as she said, “sometimes there are no words”. Our presence, our prayers which are the pain in our hearts often are what helps the most.
Losing a loved one: as in this miscarriage your niece experienced or one we have known all our lives or part of our lives changes us forever.
May God sustain and guide each in your family as you experience this loss.
xo Lynn
So true Lynn,
Thank You for your Beautiful and prayerful words
Wonderful post about such a huge loss in your family’s life. It is hard to accept God’s plan when it is so very different and heart-breaking from our plan. You are a very gifted writer Marie, please write more and more. xxoo
Love You Mary I am working on it!
Keep sending up a few for me!
Blessings and hugs!!!
Loss is never easy, but we can all find comfort and strength in Christ’s unfailing love for us. Your words were beautifully written and I’m sure your niece is finding an earthly manifestation of God’s love in her Auntie. I lost a first baby myself. It was in the early stages of pregnancy, but that didn’t make it any less painful. But as my husband and I drew closer to God through it, we realized that God had plans far beyond what we realized. If that child would have gone full term, we would have had a new baby within weeks of my husband loosing his job! Looking back with spiritual eyes, it’s much easier to see God’s perfect plan than at the time of or near our loss. But as I put my two year old son down for his nap and laugh at his protests of napping, I see that God withholds no good thing from us. And at his perfect time, we were blessed with our child and I know your niece will find the same in His time as well. Peace and comfort to you both.
Dear Charise,
When you are in the loss it hurts no matter what your stage I am sorry to hear you also had that experience, it does help you to be sensitive to another’s loss when you encounter them. I am so grateful that you stopped here and shared Thank You Charise for your lovely compliments I feel as though you have given my heart a hug!!!
I love that we can co me together as sisters in Christ and …pray. Even though we may be miles apart, we have the same Holy Spirit within us. My heart aches for your niece. No words can suffice. May she be comforted during her grieving. And may the Lord sustain her and give her strength for each day.
Blessings and love,
I know Debbie,
It is truly Awesome that we can reach across the miles and be Sister’s in Christ! Sharing the gift of the Holy Spirit! Thank You for your thoughts and prayers! Blessings to you Debbie!!!
Father God, help your dear children to live one day at a time. Send your Holy Spirit to comfort so they will know they are not alone. Give them wisdom and boldness to ask for help in their times of need. Send forth your ministering angels. Help us to recognize and meet their needs in a way that strengthens them. In Jesus precious name!
Dear Sweet Rhonda,
Thank You for your Glorious Prayer!!!
Love, Peace, Joy and Blessings to you Rhonda!!!
i will pray for comfort for your niece and family. I know this loss is huge and Jesus will care for this little one until… I’ve never seen or heard the Monk’s song/prayer before. It is just beautiful. I want to read and reread it. I want to commit it to my heart. Thanks Marie for sharing such a beautiful post
Thank You Janie,
For your kind and generous heart I am so happy you like the Monk’s prayer I was touched by it as well. I spoke to the music minister after Mass yesterday if there might be music as some else liked it as well and he told me to bring to him at my next rehearsal so we can find out if music has been written for these words! Thank You for leaving your lovely comments and hugs, Blessings Janie!!!
Lord, I join in praying for Marie’s family as they deal with the loss of this precious unborn baby… Lord, give wisdom, comfort, strength and healing according to your Word…
“Ps 119:140-149 Your promises have been thoroughly tested,and your servant loves them. Though I am lowly and despised, I do not forget your precepts. Your righteousness is everlasting and your law is true. Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands are my delight. Your statutes are forever right; give me understanding that I may live. I call with all my heart; answer me, O LORD, and I will obey your decrees. I call out to you; save me
and I will keep your statutes. I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope in your word. My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises. Hear my voice in accordance with your love; preserve my life, O LORD, according to your laws.”
“1st Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
Janet I am so excited to see this Awesome comment you Dear Sister have my soul singing with these Fabulous words of Scripture Thank You hugs and Blessings to you Janet!!!
The older I get the more I value the friendship of Christian women. We’re past the competitive stage, we should be way past any snarky thoughts. The gift of praying, like-minded women is priceless. Together, we can praise the Lord for rescuing us, for setting us apart, for the grace that enables us to know where our eternal hope lies. Thank you sounds so simple, but it is what it is.
Dear LoRee,
No truer words could be said it is such an honor that you left this incredible comment.
Blessings to You LoRee!!!
What a beautiful prayer for your niece’s child. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Marie. –Cheryl
Thank You Cheryl,
Blessings to you Dear!!!
I love the transparency and sweet spirit that flows through this post. Thank you for humbly sharing and pulling back the curtain to be reminded again that even in sorrow, hurt, loss and confusion “God is Enough”.
My first thoughts were “Absent in body but present with the Lord, to think the little one’s first touch will be Jesus hands, reaching out and cradling the little one He loves.
I will be remembering your niece and family that God’s amazing love and protection will hold them gentle in His arms as they walk through this journey. Hugs
Thank You Karan,
I am in awe of your lovely description of my post in this comment. You are precious Please be Blessed by our precious Lord Jesus!!!
Sweet Marie – I am in awe of the passion with which you speak of our Lord and Savior! My heart breaks for you and your niece – there are no words to express the sorrow. But, oh the JOY of knowing that Jesus in holding that precious little baby and the love with which he surrounds His child.
I am not a blogger or writer and my words are far from eloquent, but please know that I love you and you are in my thoughts and prayers. <3
Oh Jennifer,
Passion is what our Jesus is all about! The height depth and width of Love beyond our capacity to humanly understand and yet we are created in His very own Image! My niece’s name of whom I write is also Jennifer. Thank You Dear Jennifer for taking time to leave me this Beautiful post when I am sad for myself or Jennifer I know Jesus is holding this darling angel till we have reached the end of our earthly journey.
Love, Peace, Joy and Blessings to you Dear Jennifer!!!
Marie, I love the prayers you post on FB. Some days I just cannot find the right words to praise God enough for the wonderful things he has done in my life, but I look at FB and there are the words I need. Thank you and please keep posting! 2014 was the most difficult year of my life. My husband began having blackouts and then alcohol-induced seizures. I had been in Alanon for three years by that time and depended on my God and Alanon friends for advice. I kept asking my friends what to do because watching him slowly kill himself was toxic for me. They just kept telling me, “You’ll know.” I didn’t understand until he had a seizure in the shower and I had to call 911. As I am trying to comfort him, I felt a hand on my shoulder and a gentle voice say “Now.” The ambulance took him to hospital and God and I had a long talk as I paced outside in the rain. I finally went to my husband and told him he could not come home. It was our 30th anniversary. That was the beginning of God sending many angels and miracles our way. By the grace of God, my husband has been sober 27 months and I finally have the kind of marriage I have always wanted. Peace to you all and look for those miracles. They are out there if you just slow down and take the time to notice.
Dear Tami,
Thank You precious sister for sharing that what stirs my heart and soul also is uplifting and encouraging to you! And for sharing a piece of your story that we may see Christ’s reflection of Glory in each of our lives!
Blessings to you and yours Tami!!!
Dearest Marie,
Almost everyday one of your posts graces my Facebook news page. Your simplicity in wprd and thought causes me to pause, breathe, and bow in love to Jesus. I can’t imagine a day without your sweetness and grace. Prayer s are always, in my mind and heart. I understand prayer best as simple conversation with the Heavenly Father. Jesus prayed often. The disciples observed. They wanted to pray like him. They asked him how. This is what I do when I stumble and struggle. I also realize I need to give gratitude much more often. I take advantage. I regret when I fail to simply sit in adoration. You, Marie Bride, help me do just that.
Thank you,
In Christ’s Love,
Bonnie Walker
Dearest Bonnie,
I am so humbled, honored and deeply touched by your generous and lovely words! I do not often allow myself the privilege of tears but you are stirring my emotions. What an honor to be connected with you in Christ Bonnie! Let me ask you to write the recommendation for my reputation! Hugs, Love, Joy and Blessings to you Dear Bonnie!!!
A beautiful post. I am so sorry for your loss. Your prose is very inspiring!
“It is our loss that we will never cuddle this precious bundle closely to our earthly bodies inhaling that awesome sweet smell that only a newborn possess.”
When the one we lose to death is in the Father’s loving arms, it really is OUR loss that we mourn and grieve.
Thanks, Marie, for reminding us of that!
What a beautiful reminder that God knows us before we’re born, that we’re knit together in our mother’s womb under his watchful eye. It’s always hard to say goodbye, but there’s real hope in heaven.
Marie, my heart breaks for your families loss. Such sweet words you have written and prayed. Teresa Hardymon
My heart aches and aches for your sweet niece. It’s easy to pray when things are going well, but when things don’t go the way we think they should, it’s so, so hard. And when people are hurting so deeply it’s hard to know what to say. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart and words with us, Marie. God’s Word does not return void and the prayers of the righteous availeth much.
Thank you for sharing so beautifully! Tears running down my cheeks…but smiling, too.